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Brochures and Application Notes

Printable specs. and information about our products, their useage and other information.

Note: To view these whitepapers, you will need Acrobat Reader.

PowerFlare® PF-200 Safety Light Brochure
Information and specifications about the new PowerFlare® model.

PowerFlare® Fire, EMS, CERT Brochure
Information for firefighers, medics, and community/corporate emergency response teams.

PowerFlare® IR Tactical Beacon Brochure
Military and SWAT operatives: check out the PowerFlare® IR Tactical Beacon for use with night-vision equipment.

PowerFlare® Cost Benefits
Overview of the financial benefits of using PowerFlare® Electronic Beacons.

Emergency Vehicle Lighting
Extend your zone of safety beyond your vehicle's light bar

Emergency Medical Services: Helicopter (LifeFlight) Landing Zones
Application notes and benefits of using PowerFlare® Electronic Beacons in and around Helicopter (LifeFlight) Landing Zones.

Law Enforcement: Motorcycle & Bicycle
Application notes and benefits of using PowerFlare® Electronic Beacons for law enforcement and Fire/EMS bicycle and motorcyle groups.

PowerFlare® Bicycle Taillight
Print a copy of our bike taillight brochure.

SCUBA: Diving and Rescue
Application notes and benefits of using PowerFlare® Electronic Beacons for SCUBA diving and underwater rescue.

Tow Truck Brochure
Information for tow trucks, wrecker operators.

Airport Brochure
Information for airport uses on airfield, for airport police, triage ...

School Safety Brochure
Information for airport uses at schools for emergencies, evacuations, etc.

 Made In The USA
Copyright © 2003 PowerFlare Corporation. POWERFLARE, the PowerFlare logo, and "By First Responders for First Responders" are trademarks of PowerFlare Corporation. All other marks are the property of their respective holders. Specifications subject to change without notice. Pat. Pending.
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